
Mostrando postagens de março, 2014

Uncertainty might be a problem in IT – but only for those who are unprepared

  In a recent article , Daniel Burrus talked about how certainty would drive growth in an uncertain world. He emphasized the existence of known cycles which includes business, weather, time of the year, biology, etc. Those cycles represent a relevant set of variations that must be considered by IT in support of the business. And they are already taken care. But the concern is how technology trends and their rapid pace of evolution are making what is uncertain even more risky for IT at many companies. The cycles of change grow shorter. And from one cycle to another, we can see entire businesses going away as a new technology completely replaces an old one. Some changes are permanent – you can´t go back, like a car’s electronic fuel injection system or turbines in airplanes. Can you imagine brand new airplanes using state-of-the-art.. helixes? These changes can even make an entire industry disappear. This happens not because of the changing technology, but because the company was...