
Mostrando postagens de 2014

Aplicativos móveis – instalado hoje, amanhã não mais?

Há muitos anos sua empresa decidiu investir em um novo canal de relacionamento com seus clientes. O primeiro aplicativo móvel foi desenvolvido e lançado. Naquela época, você foi um dos primeiros a investir em aplicativos móveis. Hoje sua visão de mobilidade está madura e você compreende claramente o seu papel para o negócio. Mas depois de tantas versões, você tem se preocupado em analisar os comentários dos seus usuários com relação a utilidade do aplicativo? Você acompanha quantas vezes seu aplicativo é instalado e removido logo em seguida? Tem algo errado com sua estratégia móvel? Hardware Pra começar, vamos falar sobre o elemento básico dos aplicativos móveis: o hardware onde serão executados. Mesmo que entendamos o mercado e as tendências sobre que plataformas ou sistemas operacionais são mais relevantes, existem outras variáveis que também direcionam a aquisição de hardware pelo usuário final. O preço, a facilidade de ter mais de um chip no mesmo aparelho, TV Digital, câm...


...várias vezes me peguei preparando algo pra falar de você neste momento. Ensaiei títulos, frases, histórias. Pensei em diversas formas de compartilhar com o mundo a pessoa especial que você foi. Mas nunca, na minha tola esperança, ... achei que fosse realmente ter que escrever. Como se você fosse viver para sempre, como os super heróis do cinema. Mas esse dia infelizmente chegou, e me pegou totalmente despreparado. Não queria que você fosse embora pra longe de mim. Ninguém queria. Não só por ser meu pai. Isso já bastaria. Mas por ter sido um ser humano admirável, daquele tipo que faz falta em qualquer sociedade. Mas chegar a esta conclusão não é fácil. É preciso ler sua história ao contrário, começando do final. Você nunca entendeu por que depois de 83 anos você ficou tão doente. Perdeu a visão, e sem ela o ânimo pela vida. Se entregou ao Alzheimer e ao Parkinson, simpáticos senhores que arrasam a vida de quem os carrega, e das famílias ao redor. Nunca te vi chorar reclamando de ...

World cup fever: Don´t forget to bring your mobile device

The World Cup happens every four years and it´s the main soccer event in the world. Brazil (my home country) is hosting the games and with it comes a broad range of technology that can literally put everyone into the arena. Even in countries where soccer is not the most popular sport, the attention has been amazing. And the feeling here in Brazil is that the World Cup is everywhere. It´s World Cup fever – and it is very infectious! Everywhere around the world, information is available and everyone is connected and informed. However, soccer fans attending the World Cup are having a different experience, powered by technology. I am not talking about TV broadcasts (which also have a lot of new features to engage their audience), but rather new types of interaction that everyone is experiencing. But if you are still planning to attend the World Cup and want the full experience, don´t forget to bring your mobile device. If you are already here and forgot to bring it, you should have alr...

Don´t wait to be the last adopter of the Internet of Things

You opened the door for the Internet of Things (see my last blog ) and greet the opportunities. You started to think about different ways to innovate, to incorporate that new concept into your products and services. Or you might have thought that this wouldn´t apply to your business today; or maybe your business can´t handle the infrastructure and tecnology needed to operationalize an IoT solution.   Adopting the IoT While this may sound like a road block for the IoT, it actually represents the current stage of IoT adoption. Perhaps you feel stuck.  You have an idea for a product that would make it come “alive” but you can´t resolve all requirements from an end-to-end perspective. Don’t worry, you’re not alone. There is a very thin line between the whole IoT concept and what can really be done today. The concept is very broad and will evolve and develop in different ways over time. We as citizens will experience a level of automation in our daily lives that might remind u...

What to expect from the Internet of Things (IoT)

In my last blog I talked about how uncertainty could be a problem for IT and that companies must always look toward the future and anticipate possible impacts. Anyone who does that will be adding the Internet of Things (IoT) in their list. Like Cloud Computing (the utility model for which was first introduced by John McCarthy in the 60´s), the IoT is not something new. It was proposed by Kevin Aston back in 1999, at MIT. At that time, he created a global standard system for RFID and other sensors, which later became known as the Internet of Things or a network where objects were connected through different kinds of sensors.    The Internet of Things definition is simple: everything talks to everything through sensors in a shared network. Simple, but complex. The beauty is not to have my house talking to me, but having my house learning my habits and knowing when I usually arrive home from work, and monitor me through my GPS to turn on the air conditioning in time for th...

Uncertainty might be a problem in IT – but only for those who are unprepared

  In a recent article , Daniel Burrus talked about how certainty would drive growth in an uncertain world. He emphasized the existence of known cycles which includes business, weather, time of the year, biology, etc. Those cycles represent a relevant set of variations that must be considered by IT in support of the business. And they are already taken care. But the concern is how technology trends and their rapid pace of evolution are making what is uncertain even more risky for IT at many companies. The cycles of change grow shorter. And from one cycle to another, we can see entire businesses going away as a new technology completely replaces an old one. Some changes are permanent – you can´t go back, like a car’s electronic fuel injection system or turbines in airplanes. Can you imagine brand new airplanes using state-of-the-art.. helixes? These changes can even make an entire industry disappear. This happens not because of the changing technology, but because the company was...